
Putting the Cosmetics Pieces Together

3 Things To Know Before Getting Volume Lashes

Volume lash extensions are a great way to improve your looks and give your self-confidence a boost. Volume lashes are more dramatic than classic lashes and can help you feel glamorous even when you're wearing no makeup. If you've never gotten lash extensions before or have only had classic lashes, you're likely wondering what to expect. Here are three things to know about volume lashes before getting them for the first time.

Volume Lashes Differ From Other Lash Extensions

Before getting volume lashes for the first time, it's important to know exactly how they differ from classic lashes. Classic lash extensions involve a single lash extension applied to a single natural lash. They add darkness and length to your lashes and tend to look more natural. Volume lashes involve a few very thin, lightweight lash extensions in a cluster attached to each natural lash. This means you can achieve much more fullness with volume lashes since you aren't as limited by the number of natural lashes you have.

You Can Always Start With Hybrid Lashes

If you have tried classic lashes before and would like a more dramatic look, but worry that volume lashes aren't the right look for you, hybrid lashes are the perfect compromise. This is simply a combination of classic and volume lashes applied together. Hybrid lashes give you some of the fullness and drama of volume lashes, while still having a more natural look than if you get all volume lashes at once. When you get your lashes filled after getting hybrid lashes, they will likely alternate between classic lashes at one appointment and volume at the next.

Aftercare is Important

Just like with classic lashes, your volume lashes will last longer if you care for them properly. Be sure to ask your lash stylist for aftercare instructions. Many lash salons also give you a lash care kit, including a cleanser, after your first appointment. Generally, you should avoid getting your volume lashes wet or exposing them to heat (like a hairdryer) for a day or so after your appointment. It's also important to gently cleanse your lashes and brush them every few days. This prevents makeup and debris from building up on your extensions, which can cause them to fall out prematurely.

If volume lashes sound appealing, you can always start with a consultation at your local lash salon. They can help you decide which length, width, and curl of lashes will look best for your facial features and preferences.

About Me

Putting the Cosmetics Pieces Together

When I was a young teenager, my mom would try to teach me how to apply makeup--but I didn't listen. Instead, I worked with my friends to experiment with makeup, which led to a few disasters. However, over time, I was able to pick up a few good habits, but it didn't mean that I was an expert. I had to learn the real tricks of the trade in college, which is why I made this blog dedicated to proper makeup application. I want to help young girls to know how to apply makeup the right way, so that they don't struggle with embarrassing school pictures and unsightly smeared eyes.
